Komunikat Prasowy
To accompany theevolution of the Board by limiting the number of its members, Patrick Thomas announcedhis decision to make his term of office available to the Board as of the 2021General Meeting, one year in advance.
The Board ofDirectors also decided to propose the renewal for four years of the terms ofoffice of Miriem Bensalah Chaqroun, Marie-Annick Darmaillac, Yu Serizawa andThomas Courbe.
Finally, theBoard of Directors will submit to the General Meeting the appointment of NoëlDesgrippes, a candidate for the position of Director representing employeeshareholders, to replace Benoit Ostertag whose term of office expires.
Mr. Jean-Dominique Senard, Chairman of the Board of Directors, said :
"Iwould like to thank Patrick Thomas, who has been a pillar of the Board ofDirectors in recent years and who is now anticipating the end of his term ofoffice in order to accompany the acceleration of Groupe Renault's transformation. Theappointments of Bernard Delpit and Frédéric Mazzella, proposed by the Board ofDirectors, are part of a new dynamic. Bernard Delpit has a long experience offinancial issues in the public sphere as well as with major listed groups andhas held operational responsibilities in the automotive industry. FrédéricMazzella is a leading innovative entrepreneur and the creator of one of themost emblematic companies in the world of new mobility. Their experience andwide-ranging profiles will be invaluable assets in supporting theimplementation of the Groupe Renault's strategic plan.
Iam also very pleased that Noël Desgrippes has been nominated for the positionof Director representing employee shareholders. His knowledge of the companyand his commitment within the employee representative bodies will be valuableassets for the Board of Directors, which will be particularly attentive to thevoice of the employees”.
Frédéric Mazella is the founding Chairman of BlaBlaCar, and theentrepreneurial co-chairman of France Digitale, the largest association ofstart-ups in Europe. After a career combining physics, computer science andmusic at ENS Ulm, Stanford, INSEAD, NASA and the Conservatoire Supérieur deParis, Frédéric designed the first version of BlaBlaCar to make the concept ofcarpooling practical and popular. Once the concept was proven in France, thecompany enjoyed strong international growth and became the first French"unicorn" and the world leader in its field, bringing together acommunity of 90 million drivers and passengers in 22 countries. BlaBlaCar nowpositions itself as a champion of shared, sustainable, accessible andmultimodal mobility, by adding to its historic long-distance car-sharing offer,home-work car-sharing and buses. At the same time, since 2018, Frédéric Mazzellahas been focusing the energy of the France Digitale association on the themesof technological sovereignty, impact and talent.
Noël Desgrippes holds a degree in Electronics-Electrotechnics-Automaticsand a DESS in Industrial Control and Quality Management from the University ofClermont Ferrand. After a year as a firefighter in Paris, he began his careerat Renault 25 years ago in the Mechanical Engineering Department as QualityManagement System pilot, then joined the Environmental Department where he supervisedthe implementation of ISO 14001 certification at several manufacturing sites.He then joined the Real Estate and General Services Department as TechnicalSecretary. He is currently responsible for a Technical Support team at theLardy site. Noël Desgrippes also holds the position of Chairman of theSupervisory Board of the Renault France FCPE.
Wszelkie materiały na tej stronie internetowej (włącznie z, ale bez ograniczenia do tekstów, zdjęć, grafik, plików dźwiękowych, plików z animacją, plików wideo i ich układu na stronie internetowej), są własnością Renault SAS i/lub jej spółek zależnych lub podmiotów trzecich, które upoważniły Renault SAS do ich ograniczonego wykorzystania i podlegają ochronie na podstawie prawa autorskiego oraz innych przepisów dotyczących ochrony własności intelektualnej. Wykorzystanie ww. materiałów do celów innych niż redakcyjny, a w szczególności do celów marketingowych lub reklamowych jest surowo zabronione.
Wszelkie materiały na tej stronie internetowej (włącznie z, ale bez ograniczenia do tekstów, zdjęć, grafik, plików dźwiękowych, plików z animacją, plików wideo i ich układu na stronie internetowej), są własnością Renault SAS i/lub jej spółek zależnych lub podmiotów trzecich, które upoważniły Renault SAS do ich ograniczonego wykorzystania i podlegają ochronie na podstawie prawa autorskiego oraz innych przepisów dotyczących ochrony własności intelektualnej. Wykorzystanie ww. materiałów do celów innych niż redakcyjny, a w szczególności do celów marketingowych lub reklamowych jest surowo zabronione.