Komunikat Prasowy
On Wednesday June 30th, 2021, at 11:00 am (CET),
Renault Group invites you to join the next “Renault eWays” conference online.
Luca de Meo and his team will showcase the strategy to position Renault Group
at the forefront of EV technology, leveraging breakthrough innovations
to make electric vehicles affordable profitable and popular.
Providing a deep dive on EV technologies, e-Powertrain, dedicated platforms,
manufacturing, battery lifecycle and line-up development.
Renault Group’ speakers:
- Luca de Meo, CEO
- Clotilde Delbos, Deputy CEO, CFO, CEO Mobilize Brand
- Gilles Le Borgne, EVP Engineering
- Philippe Brunet, SVP Powertrain & EV Engineering
- Sophie Schmidtlin, VP Research & Advanced Engineering
- Luciano Biondo, VP Renault ElectriCity
- Laurence Excoffon, Alliance Platforms Leader
Here is your dedicated link to join the keynote and the Q&As directly: https://eways-electropop.renault.com/index_press.html
Visit our digital platform for an immersive electric experience & discover additional news after the event:
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