Komunikat Prasowy
16-18 November 2021
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
Pavilion 3 - Stand C08 (Transport & Mobility)
Mobilize provides turnkey and tailor-made solutions and services to respond to changing expectations among consumers, drivers, businesses, mobility operators, communities and regions, and to achieve carbon neutrality.
At the ‘Salon des maires et des collectivités locales’, Mobilize will host a debate on "Decarbonised mobility, shared mobility: What solutions for cities?" on Tuesday 16 November from 5:00 to 5:30 pm in the Low Carbon Territories Lab (Pavilion 3). The aim of the debate will be to answer the major questions of territories in terms of mobility: How to reduce congestion, pollution and energy costs in large cities, which mobility solutions to implement in rural or sparsely populated areas, which complementary services private operators can provide...
Turnkey or tailor-made solutions
Mobilize will also present its solutions for cities and regions.
+ Turnkey services for shared mobility with Mobilize Share, a station-based car-sharing service present in Europe and in France, in 18 cities including Nice and recently Arcachon; and Zity by Mobilize, a free-floating car-sharing service available in Madrid, Spain; and in France in Paris, Boulogne-Billancourt, Clichy, Issy-les-Moulineaux, Meudon, Sèvres and Vanves
A Twingo E-TECH Electric will be displayed on the stand to demonstrate the 'Mobilize Share' customer journey: booking, inventory, opening and locking the vehicle from the dedicated application.
+ Mobilize also offers tailor-made solutions to support the carbon reduction objectives of territories.
The brand combines all or part of the different building blocks of a sustainable ecosystem: electric mobility, shared mobility, renewable energies produced by solar panels, wind farms or other renewable sources, smart charging and V2G solutions, as well as second life batteries of electric vehicles used for stationary energy storage.
Renault Group is indeed a pioneer in the development of "Smart Island" or "Smart Territories" projects, now managed by Mobilize.
The first project was launched in 2018 on Porto Santo in Portugal and has been recognised by the WWF as helping the island become carbon neutral by 2030 by aggregating energy and mobility solutions.
On Belle-Île in France, 18 public charging stations were installed. More than 1,200 recharges were recorded between July 2020 and May 2021, representing 22 MWh of energy and 150,000 km travelled (which represents 7,500 litres of fuel saved).
On Fernando de Noronha in Brazil, solar powered public charging infrastructure was unveiled in March 2021 to charge the electric vehicles already being used on the island. The move forms part of the Noronha Carbono Zero programme, which among other measures includes banning combustion engine cars on the island from 2022 to reduce CO2 emissions.
In June 2021, Mobilize has entered into a partnership with ration with Île d’Yeu island Town Hall in France, Enedis and Qovoltis to support the island as it embarks on its energy transition journey. In a co-construction approach with the municipality and the other partners of the project, the aim is to provide personalised advice and adapted solutions to accelerate the conversion to electric mobility on the island, to develop a plan for the implementation of innovative charging infrastructures and to integrate electric mobility into the island's energy transition
These various projects demonstrate Mobilize's ability to help local communities achieve their carbon neutrality goals through a collaborative approach.
Wszelkie materiały na tej stronie internetowej (włącznie z, ale bez ograniczenia do tekstów, zdjęć, grafik, plików dźwiękowych, plików z animacją, plików wideo i ich układu na stronie internetowej), są własnością Renault SAS i/lub jej spółek zależnych lub podmiotów trzecich, które upoważniły Renault SAS do ich ograniczonego wykorzystania i podlegają ochronie na podstawie prawa autorskiego oraz innych przepisów dotyczących ochrony własności intelektualnej. Wykorzystanie ww. materiałów do celów innych niż redakcyjny, a w szczególności do celów marketingowych lub reklamowych jest surowo zabronione.
Wszelkie materiały na tej stronie internetowej (włącznie z, ale bez ograniczenia do tekstów, zdjęć, grafik, plików dźwiękowych, plików z animacją, plików wideo i ich układu na stronie internetowej), są własnością Renault SAS i/lub jej spółek zależnych lub podmiotów trzecich, które upoważniły Renault SAS do ich ograniczonego wykorzystania i podlegają ochronie na podstawie prawa autorskiego oraz innych przepisów dotyczących ochrony własności intelektualnej. Wykorzystanie ww. materiałów do celów innych niż redakcyjny, a w szczególności do celów marketingowych lub reklamowych jest surowo zabronione.