Komunikat Prasowy
The microgrid set up at the entrance to the “VVF Club Intense” holiday resort in Belle-Ile-en-Mer consists of a 200kWh stationary energy storage unit connected to 76kWp solar panels and run by an intelligent energy management system. The system helps increase on-site use of solar power while also reducing the VVF’s energy bill. Solar panels capture energy from the sun's rays through modules that it then converts into electricity. The energy produced by the system must be used in real time or stored for later use when energy demand is high.
10 Renault ZOE second-life batteries to better use solar energy
Installed in May 2022, the stationary storage system incorporates 10 Renault ZOE second-life batteries and boasts a storage capacity of 200kWh. The storage charges up when solar energy supply exceeds demand or during off-peak hours. VVF residents can charge their electric vehicles with low-carbon energy, while over-production helps optimize the resort’s overall energy consumption.
For a period of six months, the system will feature a Renault ZOE bidirectional (V2G) prototype. The vehicle will be steered by the smart microgrid management system and will be used to store solar energy and reinject into the local grid when needed. The aim of the pilot test is to study what impact reversible charging can have on a local electricity grid when paired with an energy storage system, to foster on-site solar energy use and reduce the amount of electricity taken from the primary grid.
An initiative recognised by the "Innovation Territories" and "Smartgrids" calls for projects
The microgrid falls within a much broader project led by Morbihan Energies in its efforts to make the Morbihan region less energy dependant and more adaptable to the impact of seasonal tourism. For island related matters, an agreement has been signed with the Association des Îles du Ponant to develop projects in favour of energy transition. It is within this framework and following the discussions carried out with the town hall of Le Palais, that the site operated by VVF was chosen to host this experiment. Winner of the ‘Territoires d’Innovation’ program, the project benefits from government backing and support from the Banque des Territoires, in particular through the Future Investments Program. In addition, the project is supported by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), and has won the ‘Smartgrids’ request for proposals, which aims to optimize the use of renewable energies in Brittany (western France).
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