Komunikat Prasowy
Boulogne-Billancourt, May 16, 2023 – Renault Group will be present at the ChangeNOW Summit to be held at the Grand Palais Ephémère (Paris) from Thursday, May 25 to Saturday, May 27, 2023. Organized since 2017, ChangeNOW is a three-day summit that brings together the most innovative solutions for the planet and highlights those who concretely respond to the social and environmental challenges we face today. In the circular economy area, Renault Group will present on its stand its strategy from eco-design to recycling, including manufacturing and use, as well as its roadmap for decarbonizing its activities.
Thursday, May 25
- From 16:15 to 17:30 - Round table on "Rethinking Mobility and Transport", with David Holderbach, CEO HYVIA.
-From 6.30 pm – The Tribunal pour les Générations Futures "Can we still love cars?", organized in partnership with Usbek & Rica, the media that explores the future, with Cléa Martinet, Director of Sustainable Development Renault Group, and in the presence of experts and personalities from the institutional, scientific, associative, and automotive worlds
At a time of energy transition and the fight against pollution and global warming, in a context marked by the scarcity of resources and while the French aspire to new lifestyles combining proximity, social justice and ecology, "Can we still love cars? “.
This is the question that this Tribunal pour les Générations Futures will try to answer with the enlightenment of experts from the academic world and representatives of Renault Group, including Cléa Martinet, Director of Sustainable Development, and a jury made up of 7 personalities from the institutional, scientific, associative, and automotive worlds.
Friday, May 26
-From 15:45 to 17:00 - Round table on the theme "Business transformation through environmental issues", with Jean-Philippe Bahuaud, CEO The Future Is NEUTRAL..
For several decades, the Group has focused its decarbonization policy on the entire life cycle of the vehicle, from design, manufacture, use and recycling. This pioneering commitment to limiting the impact on the climate and resources has reduced the Group's overall carbon footprint by 25% between 2010 and 2022. A result that puts the company on track to aim for carbon neutrality in 2040 in Europe and by 2050 on a global scale.
As early as 1949, the Choisy-Le-Roi plant specialized in repairing mechanical parts to extend their service life. In 2008, the company was already investing in the development of recycling channels (Indra, Gaia, Boone Comenor). Through the Refactory project in Flins in the circular economy, the Group has been demonstrating since 2020 that it is possible to positively transform the automotive industry. Finally, with the creation in 2022 of a dedicated entity, The Future Is NEUTRAL, the Group aims to rapidly increase the need for recycled materials in the automotive sector and aims to become the European leader in the automotive circular economy in a closed loop, that is, from the automobile to the automobile.
To act quickly and on all fronts of change, the Group has chosen a new organizational model composed of 5 teams mobilized on each chain of strategic value and in collaboration with many partners. Thus, each team has its own sustainable development objectives and supports the Group's transformation to build a next-generation automotive company. With a common vision: the mobility of the future must be low-carbon, responsible and safe, driven by environmentally and socially just innovation.
Wszelkie materiały na tej stronie internetowej (włącznie z, ale bez ograniczenia do tekstów, zdjęć, grafik, plików dźwiękowych, plików z animacją, plików wideo i ich układu na stronie internetowej), są własnością Renault SAS i/lub jej spółek zależnych lub podmiotów trzecich, które upoważniły Renault SAS do ich ograniczonego wykorzystania i podlegają ochronie na podstawie prawa autorskiego oraz innych przepisów dotyczących ochrony własności intelektualnej. Wykorzystanie ww. materiałów do celów innych niż redakcyjny, a w szczególności do celów marketingowych lub reklamowych jest surowo zabronione.