Komunikat Prasowy
I would like to thank Laurent for his unwavering commitment over the last two years at the helm of Alpine. Laurent has set out a clear and ambitious strategy for the brand. He has put Alpine in the best possible position to achieve its long-term goals. Alpine is now ready to enter a new phase of its development and to become a brand of the future. Philippe combines a long industry experience, great technical knowledge with the leadership qualities that are key to the success of our project, including the launch of the brand's new vehicles starting next year. I fully trust Philippe and his team to take Alpine to new heights, says Luca de Meo, Renault Group CEO.
Graduate of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées, Philippe Krief has worked for Michelin and the Fiat Group. After these experiences, he continued his career at Ferrari and then Maserati, as Vehicle Department Director and Technical Director of the Alfa Romeo brand respectively. Back at Ferrari in June 2016, Philippe Krief became Director of Engineering. He was appointed VP of Engineering and Product Performance for the Alpine brand on 21 February 2023.
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