Komunikat Prasowy
Bruno Famin, VP Alpine Motorsports: Frankly, all the team is delighted to have achieved this mileage in our first endurance test. It is a satisfaction that rewards the hard work of everyone. The main aim of the session was to test reliability by looking for weak points. We found several of them, which we will now have to address. And quickly as time is running out: there are 100 days until the start of the season in Qatar and we still have a huge amount to do, both in terms of reliability and even more so in terms of performance. We now need to analyse the data and learn everything we can from this session in order to make the most of the next one, which will be in Portimão in mid-December, to keep improving the car.
Philippe Sinault, Alpine Endurance Team Manager: We were keen to conduct this initial endurance session for the A424 in conditions as close as possible to what we would experience in a race. We simulated a full series of race sequences, including the start, safety car and FCY, which enabled everyone - drivers, mechanics and engineers - to acquire the operating modes and make them automatic. This type of session is obviously crucial for the car and all the members of the team who have to find their bearings. We're definitely entering the active learning phase. We know there's still a lot to learn when we get to Qatar at the end of February, but we're doing everything we can to be as ready as possible.
Charles Milesi, Alpine Endurance Team LMP2 driver: It's been a pleasure to be involved in the car's development for the past few months. It's interesting to see how the car has advanced since its first runs and how much more there is to do. I think we've done a good job on the development so far, with an endurance format, which has been a big job for the whole team and above all an essential step for the future of the project.
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Wszelkie materiały na tej stronie internetowej (włącznie z, ale bez ograniczenia do tekstów, zdjęć, grafik, plików dźwiękowych, plików z animacją, plików wideo i ich układu na stronie internetowej), są własnością Renault SAS i/lub jej spółek zależnych lub podmiotów trzecich, które upoważniły Renault SAS do ich ograniczonego wykorzystania i podlegają ochronie na podstawie prawa autorskiego oraz innych przepisów dotyczących ochrony własności intelektualnej. Wykorzystanie ww. materiałów do celów innych niż redakcyjny, a w szczególności do celów marketingowych lub reklamowych jest surowo zabronione.