Komunikat Prasowy
Nissan released today its results for the third quarter of fiscal year 2023/2024 (April 1st,2023 to March 31st, 2024).
Nissan’s results, published in Japanese accounting standards, for the third quarter of fiscal year 2023/2024 (October 1st to December 31st, 2023), after IFRS restatements, will have a negative contribution to Renault Group’s fourth quarter 2023 net income estimated at -€440 million1.
Therefore, Nissan's contribution to Renault Group Full Year 2023 results amounted to €797 million.
As a reminder, following the sale by Renault Group of 211 million Nissan shares announced on December 13, 2023, and the cancellation of the acquired shares as part of the buyback by Nissan, Renault Group's holding position amounts to 40.42% of Nissan's capital (15.79% of Nissan shares are held directly and 24.63% of shares are held in the French trust of which Renault Group is the beneficiary).
1 Based on an average exchange rate of 159.03 yen/euro for the period under review.
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